Friday, May 11, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Leg Twitch

2 The Hills Have Eyes

A platoon of National Guard recruits are sent to fill a lookout in the hills of New Mexico. Upon arrival, the young inexperienced are left with the job. Following a distress transmission they go into the hills to discover that a dangerous and brutal is stalking them and giving chase. Under the title as inappropriate and illogical (I wonder where would be thinking the dealer) comes the sequel The Hills Have Eyes . However, while the first delivery showed surprise and arouse empathy for victims, this does not come to awaken this feeling. For starters we are a group of inexperienced soldiers of the National Guard that are closer to the problematic stereotypes of school children has professional troops (understandable, after all are the National Guard that for those who do not know is a job for moonlighting, the recruits must be submitted to headquarters only on specific days and once a month makes maneuvers, while the rest of the week have a normal life); inclusions has a moment the blonde "cheerleader dumb "when he finds the body of one of the researchers in the latrine. Even so, the character of Napoleon is quite nice, especially as the pacifist of the group and see how it unfolds in such an extreme situation. On the other hand, the wild hills have declined in terms of intelligence, still sabiendoselas all to cause chaos and death to his prey, but they have been brutalized over for me. It might be the context of novice soldiers against mutant cannibals or you do not ends of believing the characters, but the film fails to materialize at all, leaving an empty feeling. That if you keep the spirit of unrest among the first installment, and while that was taking place largely outdoors, here the bulk of the action takes place in the mines. The repulsive gore and have increased; mostrandono offal some pretty nasty scenes for some, though curiously disgusted me most mutants in the throes of a violation of one of his poor victims that the bodies mutilated and gutted some of his victims. So we have a production of terror unhealthy and repulsive, with a defined role atypical victims who gets entertained by the dose of suspense, terror and gore.
The Hills Have Eyes
The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007)
Director: Martin Weisz
Guion: Jonathan Craven and Wes Craven
Cast: Michael McMillian (Napoleon), Jessica Stroup (Amber), Jacob Vargas (Crank)
Production: Fox Atomic
Length: 89 min .
Nationality: U.S.
6 / 10


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