Saturday, June 30, 2007

Diference Between Jordan Retro And Original

28 weeks after Marvel Zombies

After viral infection that devastated Britain in just 28 days, the U.S. NATO prepare to head the reconstruction of the country. With all those infected died of starvation, the military create a go zone for refugees relocating while cleaning the cities. However, miraculously, 28 weeks after a survivor is carrying a terrible secret that will jeopardize the entire repopulation of the country. picked by Danny Boyle, director of the former, 28 days later, and free to create your own movie, the Tenerife Juan Carlos Fresnadillo offers an apocalyptic film which is in the survival of the human race. 28 weeks is closer to an apocalyptic action film that even horror movie, and why there are chilling moments. The beginning seems unbeatable, but at first come to doubt if I had the wrong room, the staging of the survivors sitting quietly and wearing an almost normal life collides with the brutality and debauchery that occurs minutes, with a magnificent flat Don's run pursued by two dozen rabid infected. It's interesting the perspective shown, little seen so far, and is the reconstruction of a world devastated, like to say the incredible London flat empty, as in the previous one, with a tight military security, which, as will be shown ineffective when overflow the echos. Some people will not avoid seeing a parallel between this film and the real world, around the actions of the military and their apparent stupidity and brutality, that, I leave to personal issues and their own criteria. For my part, as I said, I liked that detail of realism in the reconstruction, which gives an interesting perspective, even details that escape the eye of the beholder outside. Restocking begins Isle of Dog, an island in the middle of the Thames, and to be provided by bridges, is supposed to be easy to control both to reject external attack to contain it within. And if the military decision may seem cruel and maladjusted, without wishing to sound callous, it is somewhat logical, as we talk about a virus that has killed how many?, Does the 60 ", is the 70?, The" 85% of the British population of the island?, and prevent the spread of dangerous viruses require a harsh response, which creates a terrifying levels of destruction, with Napalm or FAE (Fuel-Air Explosion) sweeping the streets, losing control bunker cameras for the attack or gas clouds close in on the protagonists. So, again, we have the metaphor of the men, the healthy, are as dangerous as or more than those infected, as was with Boyle's film. But here, fortunately, that danger has more logical reasoning than simple sexual desire of soldiers upset in the English countryside.
Unfortunately, not a perfect movie. the script has some holes dull and routine. The main characters do not have enough strength to carry the film, although at first Robert Carlyle seems to be the central axis, soon gave the baton to their children's fiction, which are supported by two dedicated and noble military, Dr. Scarlett (Rose Byrne), hoping to find a cure and the shooter Delta Doyle (Jeremy Renner), a deserter unable to follow the order of extermination. Who manage to withstand the weight not can keep the young players. Meets their duties to entertain and show that not even all that in the genre of horror, also gives some hope that the director is English, showing that, against all odds, we have great talent that unfortunately blunt with foreign producers and not with nationals.
28 weeks after
28 weeks later (2007)
Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Guion: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, Enrique Lopez Lavigne
Cast: Robert Carlyle (Don), Imogen Poots (Tamy), Mackintosh Muggleton (Andy)
Studio: Fox Atomic
Nationality: UK.
Length: 99 min .
7.5 / 10

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jibjab What Sortware Do They Use

you're on a bit at both the world of comic you do not sound like a novelty, they are quite a few blogs and news portals and news ahead, years ahead even, and expanded when it was released in the U.S., the Marvel Zombies comic. In my case, I preferred to have the work in the English edition to talk about it, in addition to access to material import I have been difficult. What we have in the Marvel Zombies comic?. Well basically Kirkman play a prank, creator of the comic genius Undead pencils backed by Sean Phillips.
In an alternate world, the characters of Marvel's superheroes have become zombies, but the great misfortune is that they retain their power and intelligence, simply are possessed by a consuming drive that leads them to attack and devour any or mutant human in its power. Of course, due to their abilities, the heroes just zombies quickly with the world's population (and food), so a zombified Reed Richards plans to build a machine to enter another dimension and follow the menu. However, Magneto, one of the few who were not infected gets put to ruin the plan, and this is where the comic starts, with a weary Magneto against a horde of eager to devour superheroes, among which is, Spiderman, Hulk (which on this occasion is transformed by hungry and angry), Wolverine (which no healing factor has done nothing to save) or Captain America. Throughout the comic, which collects the 5 numbers published in the United States, the zombies continue their outrages, while some survivors draw their own plans.
note is the work of Phillips with his designs, especially with their front, where zombie parody in tone, the most classic Marvel covers. And while swallowed this joke of black humor in the United States finished editing the sequel, Marvel Zombies vs Army of the Dead .... Yes, folks, the unique Ash must confront more powerful demons who have never met.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Orthodox Treatments And Complementary Therapies

Hostel 2

Three friends who are making a trip to Europe to find a young woman who invites them to spend a week at a spa in Slovakia. Tempted by the offer, change change train trip in Prague and stay in a hostel full of young travelers. Before you know it, are at a dead end, served as a diversion to unscrupulous people who enjoy the suffering and pain. Two years ago the first part of Hostel, got no surprise despite the famous marketing campaign, its sequel, again sponsored by Tarantino and directed by Eli Roth follows in the footsteps of its predecessor with a bland and boring story, in This time, as shown background, do not hide the business operation so grisly scene halfway interesting to ridiculous schemes to millimeter repeating that if the first was no surprise, this even less. This time, we change the male by the female trio, in an attempt to horrify most, if three healthy young lived a hell, what holds a fragile three girls? and add several characters from the opposite side to victims, to try to further develop the film, two customers fairly predefined (as little nauseous the originality that distills the film) and the head of the whole shebang, a wealthy mobster doing wrong undaunted with business sense (it is be to set up an auction between clients via mobile.) But the truth is that if there is a term to describe this movie is certainly predictable, and much, really does not surprise any event, except the final twist, but not saved from the suspense, but of course, the final one of the characters is very painful (at least for part of the public). While the movie is not a calamity cinematically speaking, he could have given more, and in spite of containing a couple of scenes for the memory, just stares at it, in some scenes that recall while we forget the rest. Hostel 2
Hostel: Part II (2007)
Director: Eli Roth
Screenplay: Eli Roth
Cast: Lauren German (Beth) Bijou Phillips (Whitney), Roger Bart (Stuart)
Production: Lionsgate Films
Nationality: U.S.
Length: 93 min
4 / 10

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bloons Itouch Pack 3 Level 48

Gunnm (Alita, Angel of combat)

In an apocalyptic future, people lives badly and survive in the city called waste, full of cyborgs, vagrants, murderers, thieves and other criminals, while above, in the floating city of Typhares, its inhabitants enjoy all the amenities. There, among the garbage and crime, Ido, a brilliant scientist discovers the head, still alive in a beautiful cyborg who suffers amnesia once revived. In granting the body, the pequella, named Gally, is revealed as a deadly fighter who not long career as a bounty hunter. Throughout the series, the small Gally struggles to find a place in your life, find his true self. But do not be easy, as bounty hunter fight against dangerous criminals, will compete in deadly races Motorball, special agent Typhares be against the band of rebels Barjack ... but will not be alone on the road will also find allies and friends to help, not only in fighting but in rediscovering herself .. Author's Work
Yukito Kishiro, Gunnm was one of the first sleeves which came out in Spain in the boom in the 90's. He was also one of the first to be completed. However, on reaching the American edition undergo change of some names, so, the protagonist, Gally, was christened Alita for example. Although in the recent reissue that has echo formats volume, it was decided to translate directly the Japanese edition, being faithful to the original. The work ended in 1995, finished hastily because of a series of health problems of the author, noticing the "weird" at the end. However, years later, in 2001, Kishiro return to the series, rewriting the fine and continuing the adventures of Gally beyond Earth, GUNMM Last Order.
This book highlights the background of history. Although at first look like a cute story about a girl, and deadly in a world full of violence, the truth is that Gunnm is searching for an identity. The amnesiac character in your body feels the instinct of combat, that's what makes her feel alive, is what gives a reason to live. Little by little, thanks to the enemies and friends who pass them, Gally builds its personality and finding your true self. They also co-stars move in their intricate personality, even the villains, they move through serious and genuine motives, beyond the "I'm bad and I want to dominate the world" or "I'm a psychopath who enjoys killing." However, this does not hide a brutal world where Kishiro's talent for drawing cyborgs and above all, battle damage, when Gally (or any other character) destroys a rival, the author spares no details in gears and hydraulic fluids as in guts and blood.
As an anecdote, James Cameron , Is planning a film adaptation, using the latest computer techniques to make a movie in 3D. It is expected, hopefully that for 2009/2010 made the film, has postponed his latest project Avatar