Yukito Kishiro, Gunnm was one of the first sleeves which came out in Spain in the boom in the 90's. He was also one of the first to be completed. However, on reaching the American edition undergo change of some names, so, the protagonist, Gally, was christened Alita for example. Although in the recent reissue that has echo formats volume, it was decided to translate directly the Japanese edition, being faithful to the original. The work ended in 1995, finished hastily because of a series of health problems of the author, noticing the "weird" at the end. However, years later, in 2001, Kishiro return to the series, rewriting the fine and continuing the adventures of Gally beyond Earth, GUNMM Last Order.
explendida This book highlights the background of history. Although at first look like a cute story about a girl, and deadly in a world full of violence, the truth is that Gunnm is searching for an identity. The amnesiac character in your body feels the instinct of combat, that's what makes her feel alive, is what gives a reason to live. Little by little, thanks to the enemies and friends who pass them, Gally builds its personality and finding your true self. They also co-stars move in their intricate personality, even the villains, they move through serious and genuine motives, beyond the "I'm bad and I want to dominate the world" or "I'm a psychopath who enjoys killing." However, this does not hide a brutal world where Kishiro's talent for drawing cyborgs and above all, battle damage, when Gally (or any other character) destroys a rival, the author spares no details in gears and hydraulic fluids as in guts and blood.

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