Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sorority Initiation Vids

A homeless intervenes to prevent the murder of a pregnant woman at the hands of thugs. The man is revealed as a deadly shooter, and in the midst of the melee, the woman gives birth and dies from a gunshot wound. The mysterious undertake a gunman fled with the child seeks protection from a dangerous organization that does not stop to remove the kid. Shoot'em up, I end all too familiar in the world of video games, roughly equivalent to "Shoot everything" and could not be a more appropriate title. Almost from the first minute, Clive Owen is dedicated to fire at anything that moves with improbable stunts and a devilish aim. It soon becomes clear that this film does not move to show a realistic action to put the willies in a consistent history of conspiracies, and if by some exaggerations that do not really think not putting a lot of imagination in a script that is a mere excuse to make shootings move from one warehouse to an abandoned house, a bedroom (this scene is fantastic) or in full free fall. But that's not the goal, as it moves further into the action comedy is a movie to enjoy and laugh at the character of Owen chuleria when to shoot and act in his character, a drifter serious acid hates almost everything. Owen plays the character with ease, and is supported by two other large, Paul Giamatti, as the villain of the moment, someone meticulous precision that makes the perfect counterpoint to the always splendid Owen and Monica Bellucci in the role of a prostitute is pulled into the adventure to feed the small (to envy). It might be that the writer was fortunate or the presence of these actors is to not judge a letter with the same brush, that being objective, surely television series starring actors with a smaller budget, had not been so much fun. So you know, Shoot'em up is pure entertainment that is not taken seriously or herself, but no one can say that is bad, simply not credible. And between you and me, I like the style you have here Owen protect the child than in the Children of Men.
Shoot'em up Shoot'em up
Director: Michael Davis
Guion: Michael Davis
Cast: Clive Owen (Mr. Smith), Paul Giamatti (Hertz), Monica Bellucci (DQ)
Production: New Line Cinema
Length: 86 min
Nationality: U.S.
8 / 10


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