Monday, January 24, 2011

Zinc Cream Active Ingredient

20011 SUMMER rights JUNJI-OPD

Objective: promote the rights of children in Iquique through organizing activities under the right to recreation. According to Article 31 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child .

1. States Parties recognize the right of children to rest and leisure, play and recreational activities appropriate to their age and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of children to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate equal, to participate in cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.

Location: Cavancha Beach, Lobos school sector.

Date: 10,12,14,17,19 and 21 January 2011, for infants of JUNJI.

24, 26, and January 28, 2011, for the whole family visiting Cavancha beach.


development activity will be attended by three gardens by day, the activities will begin on January 10 10:00 am at Playa Cavancha (School sector Lobos).


This invitation was made directly on the premises of the JUNJI , with Ms Tamara Suiling Mavieira and Rojas, who passed completely activity, being both committed to disseminate and distribute the JI as the days of the activity. From the OPD were reminded by telephone, each invitation JI, thus ensuring their attendance.

Supplies and materials:

The OPD IMI funds SENAME and managed to get items necessary to implement games (floats, jumping, beach buckets, tables, cones, shirts with FPS, etc), also KOE manage with English Institute, a pool of 3 meters in diameter, where the nursery and aunts cooled during the activity. All implementation used, was purchased solely for carrying out this activity.

It should be noted that we had the cooperation of Cinemark to two tickets per day (for proxy and hij @) and American Park with 70 entries, awards were given to NiƱ @ sy aunts for their participation in gaming activity.

participation and adherence to the activity:

While kindergartens were absent, less than nineteen were invited JI, missing three. The JI assistants aunts participated in games, toddlers and parents, giving educators and technicians a self space and recreation protected nursery.

Development Activity:

Due to planning and organizing work, no complications arose. The guards taken in advance, able to prove successful activity and safe for children. aunts were always in a relaxed atmosphere, given by the security of having toddlers enjoying the activity and protected.

During the morning the nursery and aunts had access points hydration and sun protection; after hour and a half of entertainment, were given a cup of ice cream to each participant (children @ s, aunts and parents). After sharing the ice cream, gave way to the farewell of each JI.


Given this successful experience, demonstrations and satisfaction displayed by them children s, aunts and guardians, believe it is necessary to replicate the activity, perhaps with greater implementation and personnel available to assemble everything you need.


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