Sunday, May 22, 2011
Muscle Building Percentages
31 weeks, what little is left in this pregnancy! WE ARE THE PERA
who seems to be a little tired of the belly is Ivan, when I see her in the air tells me I have to cover because it's cold and down my shirt, as if his belly disappeared .. . The other day he hit two babies in the store, which has left me stone because Ivan is super peaceful, never has stuck, in fact is a child who runs away from conflict, which leads me to believe that is beginning to see what he comes up and is giving us clues. Well, we have no wait to see how to take the coming of his sister, and weather the glitches, we must all adapt to the new situation and I think that there may be someone who is harder than we thought .
Because my girl also deserves something special, something for her ...

really is going to be me flying, so that sometimes seems to lose the account and today I did not know for example if it was the 30 or 31 weeks. Not look at the ticker, the last time the counter was 3 digits and today I've noticed that makes a whopping 63 days to D-day, that's nothing!
And I just did not believe that this is going to end so soon, and I keep thinking that it may be the last time you experience a pregnancy. I'd love to have three children, in fact so far claimed it would be like, but be realistic and life right now is to have three children, so do not rule out that it might be possible in the future, if things improve, because I am still young and I have time to replanteármelo, but for now it can not be.
So do not stop to spend a moment in my tummy. Antia is still very active and moves a lot and in all times, it is noted with curious bumps that make me very much, and at home I spend time with the air pancha watching makes me wave my hands caressing non-stop talking, telling her how much I like to feel and how much you'll miss when you have it in arms.
Soon we will see again, I had to advance the appointment in the private gynecology because the visit of 32 weeks in Social Security have given me at 34 weeks, so the May 31 meet again, hoping that this may be less shy and let us make 3D picture frame to share a photo of her brother.
I find myself relatively well, except for the lumbago, which is something I'm used to and try it affect me as much as possible, the rest all goes well. Yes, I'm spending a lot of heat, and although currently there is nothing alarming, but I begin to swell the feet a bit, especially this time of night. So take the opportunity to hit me some good walks along the beach, no if I put prevent elephant legs but at least I try. I had to change my allegiance to the ring finger of his left hand, which seems to be thinner, because the right hand my ring looked like a black pudding from Burgos. On the left, for now, I can wear it, so it cost me to have to take it off now.
who seems to be a little tired of the belly is Ivan, when I see her in the air tells me I have to cover because it's cold and down my shirt, as if his belly disappeared .. . The other day he hit two babies in the store, which has left me stone because Ivan is super peaceful, never has stuck, in fact is a child who runs away from conflict, which leads me to believe that is beginning to see what he comes up and is giving us clues. Well, we have no wait to see how to take the coming of his sister, and weather the glitches, we must all adapt to the new situation and I think that there may be someone who is harder than we thought .
And even here the party. At the moment I can only speak from what little I have, and if you are not surprised that you do not talk about the preparations for the arrival of Antia, as I did with Ivan's room. For the moment, much to my regret, we can not prepare the room because we are not the best moment of our lives, economically speaking, especially since my company is on the line and if not get to deliver as one of a long list of unemployed. So we have to wait and make do with what we have, because deep down will not use the room for sleeping with us, is more an illusion than a necessity, the illusion to prepare like we did with Ivan ...
But still I keep preparing small little things, like ordering new clothes for minicuna and cradle, a set of sheets, the bag for the stroller and of course, filling the closet with dresses and some pink. If I encourage any input you hang in the pijerías I've been buying ... I love opening the dresser drawer and see patuquitos and pink socks.
Roller Coaster Retinal Detachment
! New award
Well girls, pass, receive and publicadlo Do we see another?
few days ago I got this pleasant surprise of the hands of Me and my Miniya to give me this award. It may seem silly, but for me it does not stop me I hope you remember me from time to time.
Here is the prize in questionnaires, the REPER!
The following is a preguntillas answer, so here I go:
1-If you could choose who go out with who How would your partner / husband / boyfriend / bf / whatever, or with your friends?
Without doubt, my friends hahaha. My husband is a little mushroom, do not like night life, bars and nightclubs, gambling dens, crowded, loud music and has to dance. out with him is "I'm bored, I have dream, my feet hurt" and etc. you just want to go to the first drink, so I'm very fun-loving as I prefer to go with my friends.
2-Come will tell us a secret, which nobody knows, or very few people, ok?
would then no longer a secret! "I can say Pasapalabra ? Well, not that it is secret, but neither trumpeted around to avoid graciosetes Conas and comments. I passed my practical driving license to the 5 th, and not awkward eh, nerves blocked and I could not quite ... Of course, that does not mean to be a host of first 5 years after fines or beatings or anything that littering my record. My husband says I drive like a man, so neither can we say of me "woman had to be!" .
3 - Do you ever regret something? Tell us who and why?
I can regret things I have not done, but not things I've done because I think, good or bad, I've always drawn or learned something. I regret not having done things that would ... and I would have liked to have finished my law degree. Everyone strives to convince me to do but do not understand that with work, home and child (children soon) I have the quota covered. Meterne back into the race would take time away from my children and now is something that I would not, because in addition to this point I do not want to exercise, I'm more for getting caught in a bank, I will not be contested to a judge or something similar for what I do not need the race. Hey, I've vented ...
4 - What is the most disgusting that you have eaten and why?
I think I can say I've never eaten anything disgusting, at least that I remember. For lunch I am very scrupulous, indeed I can hardly eat anything heated how good it can be.
5 - Do you feel jealous, or not spend that?, and if yes, what or who and why?
I have no envy or I do not have it because, although it may seem that others have more than I'm happy with what I have and I think the important things I'm very lucky. To do deceive you, I see the face of my son and I'm sure you can not have anything better.
Well, yes, a little something ... I feel envious of someone who works Monday through Friday from 8 to 3, I hate work shifts from Monday to Saturday!
6 - Do you have or have had a habit of not you feel proud?
I have already removed, but I admit I've been a little Shopaholic, which motherhood has subsided. Ays But if I were rich ....
7 - Do you ever get drunk, come home, put on pajamas and got into bed without knowing how?
I've drunk a lot, I put on my pajamas and I have gone to bed remembering everything, absolutely everything! in fact a couple of days remembered these war stories with a couple of friends and a lot of nostalgia jajaja.
now need to pass the award to 7 blog, give it to 7! Try to give it to bloggers that I have not taken the previous awards, and I think that they have not received this award, not to repeat and give the opportunity to know a little more.
Well girls, pass, receive and publicadlo Do we see another?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
In 2010 Do Most Women Shave Or Trim

The OPD involved in educational social network Cerro Dragon, a network of land as an intermediate institutional arrangement to implement actions in the sector.
this time through the network organized a parade of May 21, those good with lots of wins, participation of everyone, the song of the sea and a rich cocktail ceviche to Iquique.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Showing Boobs Actresses
Workshop 2011
The CEREIME Dining is a Child of the Methodist Church that is in Lincoyan work on Fridays when boys and girls living in the area leave school at 13 hours . This time the workshop took place the rights of children with "protective city" which is the strategy this year to show how are the rights of children in the district or neighborhood.
this time
Where To Buy Matroushka Dolls In The Pgilippines
Congratulation Messages On Marriage
The school ... continue in the battle
The fact is that we must fight anyway, I'm not complacent, I can not stay with folded arms, I need to try in every way. When you burn all the cartridges I will adapt to circumstances, but certainly for me that is not that he does not fight, nothing gained.

Yesterday finally came out ready to place the award of applications that were not requested in the center square. I expected the worst, why deceive you, and good, I can only say that I've taken has been a surprise, which may have a positive and a negative reading. The positive, at least we have awarded a good center, the negative, that is fatal to us because we fall far from home in a high traffic area during peak hours, and take a sack of my work and therefore home My mother, who is whom I could fix the ballot to pick up Ivan when I work tomorrow.
So this morning we went to the Department of Education, to see what we could do. And soon we are told, we present arguments, using, and hopefully to resolve Education, and while enrolling where we have obtained a place for not losing. So kick plays, as they say.
And this greatly influences the fate and, above all, money, ie you can afford to pay a lawyer to locate the three thousand feet on a cat and knows all the tricks it is easy, the question is able to afford that luxury, and do not know if we can. With a lawyer it is won. Now the question is to see how much is the fine, and think very hard whether it's worth. I have very clear that it's worth, that is, to me my child's education is essential and I am willing to put everything in my power to get access to a good school, where you will live much of his life and will develop as a student and as a person, is no small feat or item to be taken lightly. But it bothers me that you make yourself so, so, you have to remove and left Rome to Santiago some money to get a right, a public service.
This year was very special about the school issue, apparently because children born in 2008 have been much more than the normal average, it is estimated that in Huelva this year there have been over 200 requests more than in previous years it seems that thanks to the existence of Cheque Bebé births soared, so education has been overwhelmed by requests and had to extend lines in most centers to meet demand. To this we add that my district this year has been divided and there are fewer schools to choose which area of \u200b\u200bresidence, with the addition of 3-aided schools right now there is only one that we can choose, making this ideal central ( which is the request) has also been overwhelmed. But to make matters worse, we ask the center has two locations, one in our neighborhood, the one for EP and ESO, and another one in another neighborhood, the EI-, so let's say it eligible for both districts, and all we have failed to have led us to place a school in another district, that is, that we are about 40 parents almost have to enroll our children in a different district also is not borderline, so we infer, and so we have confirmed Delegation, that the bulk of applications and supported are the other district, which means that in a school in my area, to From Primary 1, the vast majority of students are from another area because the center of EI also belongs to them, but to seek a place in primary would not have won because the center is unique to my area.
" I managed to explain? In my words. Charter schools of the most requested by people in the center, ie, the wealthy, take the seats because the center of district EI shares my neighborhood with what they get in the end, but the center of EP and that is not appropriate for their area, get to take the place in Children. The people who really can afford a lawyer and make shenanigans. In the end, the poor, or rich, hard workers with normal salaries can not afford a lawyer but we do not award points for income, we get to the door in his face. It is what it is.
Forgive me, but needed some relief because it seems an unfair situation that the school is near my house has most of whom are students of the district but the center is and goats. And more, send me to a center that I like anything but good.
The advantage is that the school have given us is good, ie, has a good reputation in terms of teaching and way of working. But as I say I like away from home and more work, so either I go with two hours notice to take the child to school, considering that I have to leave a baby at my mother to go to work, morning classroom or throw to be the daddy who is responsible for bringing to school. When Daddy takes her to speak on the way to work, ie the fate of working from 8 to 3 and has to pass near the school to go to work, the choice is to conclude the morning and dining room so Dad you can leave in the morning and pick it up after eating, and I avoid covering the entire city at rush hour. As a public school classroom is economical morning on some 15 € a month, and the dining environment about 5 € a day, depending on subsidized incomes. So that way we could fix half the ballot.
But I think long term, as I have a child on the way to which I have to put in the nursery, and I'm not going to get a place in kindergarten there next to this school because it is not for me by area of \u200b\u200bresidence or work, and I can not claim that my child is enrolled in that area because it is not to scale criterion. So the day the girl go to the store, to spend gasoline.
And the last resort is to try his luck when we have to provide schooling for girls, and then ask if you square in the center that interests me for two, if one of them gets automatically place the other is given the points for siblings enrolled in the center, and then if we are lucky and get it square to the girl at school that we would be relatively easy to make representations estimate the enrollment of children in the center.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Vip Briefcase Locking Guide
A combined: 30 Semanita, a little beach and school news goes AWARDS
This weekend I reached 30 weeks of pregnancy, I get dizzy just thinking about it because it is a countdown that goes faster than I expected, 10 weeks is nothing and I feel that the time if he slips through your hands.
addition we have used to remove the diaper that bit, and we remember him, and has not done shit, pee suppose to be done but we have not heard, but Ivan is very sincere, and when I asked her if she had made me pee replied with a smile from ear to ear "yes, the water! " , how funny. So good, it is also the first small step of the operation without a diaper .
And to me it's coming great, I've hit some good walks along the beach, with chilly water, I have a good soak, do not spend as much heat in my house and I enjoy as a dwarf, but not do more than sit in the chair to see how he plays the small. What the towel this year is feasible, with low back pain I can not sit on it, I need support, so the chair is still my best friend on the beach.
And here the news of the weekend, which has led to much ...
This weekend I reached 30 weeks of pregnancy, I get dizzy just thinking about it because it is a countdown that goes faster than I expected, 10 weeks is nothing and I feel that the time if he slips through your hands.
At this time, but now I start to get uncomfortable, I am delighted with my belly, proud to have her and a constant feeling of sorrow to know that soon all this will end. I'm looking forward to having the arms Antia, see her face, kissing and sit next to me, but it's so nice to take this feeling inside that, even when tired and have things that cost me to do, want this to last a little longer.
's being constantly remember Ivan noticed this a lot but had its moments, but not for Antía within 24 hours, so are slight movements and changes in posture annoying or tapping it seems that I will pass through the skin, in any case, although sometimes can be annoying, it's a feeling that I love and I know I miss you very much.
On May 31 we have the following echo private, I had to advance it because the visit for 32 weeks by the Social Security have given me very late, at 2 days to 34 weeks, and just 2 days before your next visit so private, so as not seen since 19 I preferred it forward in April. The last time was with the head down, I hope it stays that way, and I have very curious to know what position I have because I notice a lot of changes and if I mistake not spend all day p'acá ass, ass p'allá that even I can feel it.
On the other hand, these days is making a summer temperatures, a calorazo noses, the truth is quite at home overwhelmed me, I have already removed the socks and sandals and, of course, we used to go to the beach. I confess that every time I go to the beach I could never live far from the sea, despite being used to it since I was born, as I have always lived on the coast, continues to amaze me, and even without doing anything, just to sit in the towel, enjoying the breeze, smell the sea, the sound of the waves, it seems incredible.

Ivan loves the beach, has spent all week waiting to arrive on Saturday, the Friday afternoon we went with all the enthusiasm to buy a bucket and spade of the season and we spent the weekend at the beach. Look if like and if you enjoy non-stop for a second in the towel or under the umbrella-va in sunscreen factor Untadita +50 and his hat on his head and the water can be cold and shivering he he do not care, loves playing on the shore with the waves as they arrive, fuck shells and stones or build castles with wet sand.
addition we have used to remove the diaper that bit, and we remember him, and has not done shit, pee suppose to be done but we have not heard, but Ivan is very sincere, and when I asked her if she had made me pee replied with a smile from ear to ear "yes, the water! " , how funny. So good, it is also the first small step of the operation without a diaper .
Anyway, enjoy, happy, runs from one side to another and when we go home (at about 7 pm) is so tired that he sleeps ... Until the next day! It seems incredible but it's been like 2 days, much has been raised time and we used to give a shower and dinner, and stay asleep. I love seeing him this happy.

are already beginning to swell my feet a little with heat, so I hope that these walks will help me a bit, plus it relaxes me a lot of walking along the shore with the water hitting me on the feet when I notice that tingling rest being active circulation. And is that the beach is health.
And finally the school issue, which has now left the list of award sites for which they have no place in the request. The good news is that we have assigned a good school, the bad news is that I take away trasmano and all, that is, away from home and on the other side of where I work and where my mother lives, which is who will have to pick Ivan when I leave at 3 pm. So now go play the beating of a delegation, to present arguments and fight for a place in the school requested or see if there is another option we come a little better.
But at least I have the consolation of knowing that, without getting what we need, at least it is a good school, and at worst would have to dip into the canteen at least two weeks a month in this case, being a public school, may we be subsidizing anything. But it is all decided, we can still fight.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Best Workouts After A Hip Replacement
7 .- What is the crappy gift you have made or have done. been crappy I do not remember giving gifts, and if I start to remember, I think the most tacky gifts have been my communion. Do not forget that horrible piggy-mill ...
Yesterday I received at the hands of a local lady this nice prize, and promised to echo it in my blog, but I have found that the comments of thanks that I left unpublished, or deleted.
The award is named What will your block ... I BREAK Cavec
And the rule is to answer the following questions:
1 .- tics and gestures of others take you crazy. Let me talk pressing her face to me or I have to play to speak.
2 .- Confess: What was your nickname at school / college? - What is the most cruel nickname that you put it? Fortunately not if he had a nickname in high school, but small in the neighborhood called me match because it was very short and thin. Not that it is cruel but at that time quite annoyed.
3 .- When you were little ... what did you grow up? of everything, even a nun. But hey, at bottom, something I made because I am a mother!
4 .- expletive header. Ostia, fuck me in the fucking cato. Ah, that was only one ...!
5 .- Items of clothing / outfit absurd that you have / have owned and would you wear or not dead. I was given something that is so hidden that not even remember. Not everyone is right ...
6 .- What you get to the balls of your partner as much as the want. do you have to repeat things because, as they say around here, I do not check or fucking mind when I talk, it gets on my nerves and he knows it!
reconceder And the prize is now up to 10 bloggers, try not to repeat what already you have to make it more fun and "rule" more ... so trumpets and drums:
- Kore and The Cat 7 lives
- Frikimami and Diaries Frikimami
- Mary and My Little Koala
- Inma and Muchi's corner
- Gloria and Glops 's Ark
- Jenny and Living in another city for love
. Undecided Tari and even death
! Congratulations, bloggers!
Y ahora, otro premio...

Tengo pendiente este premio desde enero que Frikimami me lo entregó en su blog, no me preguntéis por qué pero se me había quedado ahí, así que de hoy no pasa.
La primera regla es dar las gracias a la persona que te dio el premio y pon un link a su blog, así que agradezco a Frikimami no solo el premio, sino que me siga a diario en esta aventura y pierda unos minutos de su valioso tiempo en comentar mis chorradillas, de verdad, muchas gracias, porque a base de pequeños granitos se forman las montañas.
La segunda regla es que comparta siete cosas sobre mí, aunque no se qué más decir si desde hace 3 años comparto lo más importante en mi blog... pero lo intentaré:
- No se si lo he dicho alguna vez por aquí, pero me apasionan los gatos, mis dos bichis son parte my family and within 50 years I see myself as the typical "crazy old cat."
- The music moves my life, I am reminded of moments and people in my life, and since then I remove all penalties.
- Dancing is my vocation frustrated, and as I love to sing, I would have loved to have had the opportunity to study performing arts and to dedicate myself to making music.
- I love music! although living on the corner of the map has not let me enjoy everything he wanted, not a few trips to the Gran Via. I wish I hit the lottery so I can go to London or NY ...
- And speaking of cats and music ... I love the musical CATS, is the only thing I've been a little geek in my life.
- I'm very sleepy, do not forgive a nap and I have the ability (if not I can not sleep) wake up, go back to sleep, and to pursue my dream.
- Odio early, the world should not move before 9 am. However, I Like sleep later, the tranquility of the night is ideal for many tasks.
The third rule is to give the award to 15 bloggers who have recently met, please contact them and tell them they have a prize.
if not get to 15 because unfortunately my time is not given to keep all those blogs he liked, so I'll know I've been lately, but you probably already have received this award, but the rules are to fulfill , so the lucky ones are:
- Bel and Jeza vegamidulcedechocolate
- Mom and Parrulín Parrulín Mom
- Yolanda and My first pregnancy and parenting , which I congratulate also just be mom.
Well, be it resolved paragraph awards, now it is up to the lucky blogger to continue spreading illusion, TILL NEXT!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Basketball Icecream Cake
maternal education classes
less instrumental
Yet it is of more express your will. Yesterday the midwife gave us the book of the plan by the SAS, which I think is a wonderful advance, because until recently there were few mothers who had plan labor and some insiders seemed in the eyes of professionals and people in general. At least the chip has changed in this respect because, if you make a declaration of will or vital organ donation, why not express your wishes and requests when such a crucial moment as birth?
Of course, if they say that the latter tend to be faster deliveries the former because the effacement and dilation are usually given at once and I can not be aware that Ivan took me an hour and a half, to see if I will not be on time!
Last week I began maternal education classes will be 6 classes a week, which is spoken delivery, postpartum, breastfeeding, maternal and artificial, newborn care and family planning, among other things.
I find it curious that when I commented that the classes of maternal eduacion people ask me "but you do again?" , and I say, why do not you, is it the fact of having given birth once means that you know everything? I can not make sense of this, I think it is worth remembering concepts that may have been forgotten, or learn to practice breathing relaxation techniques can help a lot in the time of delivery. It is also the best way to find out about changes and developments that may have occurred in the hospital to give birth, because fortunately we have not been stuck in the old techniques.
I'm one of the few mothers repeat and I keep having my doubts, of course not as a novice, but I have, so take the opportunity to serve as a good student with explanations of the midwife and I all questions that come to mind. In addition I also do my little contribution, if my experience can help some of expectant mothers to at least do not be afraid as the time of delivery.
Glad to know in the hospital where I gave birth, things have improved. My delivery was excellent and I was lucky to have a midwife who is committed to natural childbirth and respected, but to my great regret, no longer in the hospital, but at least you see your work here has taken effect and things are no longer as before. Things like enemas shaved and per system bear no longer, have included nitrous oxide (Entonox) - Babies and More in explains what it is, alternative analgesia, chairs are made with labor to help with pushes, has been reduced without episiotomy, among other things.
Other issues is that they allow the mother choose to delay and push position (unless continuous monitoring is required), which can give birth in bed instead of birthing the foal, and if the mother wants can help lift your baby after they have left the hombros.Con all this, my doubts about the delivery plan are practically resolved, I am glad that there is a center on its own initiative to do things without having to ask specifically.
I am delighted with the class for me is a moment of pregnancy that is worth living and remember, I am sharing with daddy and that is not over, because it is the same as the first pregnancy the second, nor the first delivery to the second.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
External Flash For Canon 50d
The school, hoping to find out for sure
Wish us luck!
So we walk, waiting to see if Ivan was admitted to the school in which we have submitted. We have it difficult, as there are 79 applications for 49 spaces + 1 for children with special needs, and counting one by one is just 50 applications with more points than us.
Yesterday we went through the school to see how things are going, but for now until Monday, 16 did not know nothing, because the lists are published on 14, which is Saturday. Mechanics is that if there are places available and applications are tied on points made a public lottery to award those seats, which are supposed to draw conducted yesterday. And while there were 50 applications with a higher score than ours, have told us that 3 people will draw among the 14 points scored (us), so I gather that the review of documentation will have dropped a request with the highest score.
So any chance we have, but it remains a lottery, I cross my fingers that we have all the luck in the world and is one of the lucky Ivan and not have to walk to September around the theme of the school. If I would go quiet all summer not to go we have several options, but it remains a headache for me hopefully avoided.
is curious that we have bad luck, because until now we did not have the space problem at this school, if it were not for this year have changed the distribution of areas of influence, which is what has hurt us because until last year the area was bigger and had two more charter schools that could be accessed and this year we have divided our district, so that we are left with the option of a single school concluded, which is what most people claim, and if until now the people of my district chose another school and we have requested was not much demand, now has gone the opposite, and have been overwhelmed with applications.
options if we enter a number:
- Enroll your child in school that we have space allocated, or if possible in which more than convince us, if our district well, and if not in another. The area belongs to us there are several public schools but in all only one or at most two, reaching a half like it, and there may be no place, so you probably would to see what is free in general, so that we would try to find the center most convince us, and if possible, as we have a car, you can be comfortable for my mother who will often pick up the small.
Wait for end-stage registration and see if there is any free space in the school we choose. You may enroll when there who for whatever cave to not enroll and a free place to stay and that, if we are on the waiting list, who may be above our request, instead of waiting to which space directly for you to apply at another facility assigned or square and go up and some placed on the waiting list, or get lucky to catch some square who have not covered.
- If there are vacancies after the registration but not yet covered the place for special needs, wait until it is resolved. There is a legal term by which if the square is empty can be awarded according to the waiting list, usually this period is extended to weeks after starting the course (yesterday we were told, without knowing for sure, that may become vacant until November ), so that as the registration is not compulsory to be in this case we would expect if it becomes vacant, trusting that you would expect those in a list waiting in front of our requests have been enrolled in other schools, ie they do not want to wait any longer.
The difference between these options is not to expect anything, expect to wait a little or a lot, in order to enroll in a center that we do not like, we like a bit or we will, if ultimately we're lucky.
However, there are schools that have always been in high demand, in which people have fought to enroll their children, who this year have stayed with free seats to general surprise, as is the case of the Holy Angel the Guardian or Moliere (here known as French School). Ivan wanted to discard register at a religious school, but also what you prefer before we do not like anything, but the French School choice is not bad, but I think eventually cover the seats.
The funny thing is the approach that many parents continue to choose the school, told us yesterday that they had met with many requests to put them when said things like "is that I like this school because the children wear uniforms ", no matter more than that ... and does not solve anything but comforted me to tell us it's a shame that parents who are really interested in the center of its educational system we run out by others who do not care one other, while there is uniformity, for example.
somehow I also hope there are people who decline to enroll their hij @ a time to see the costs of college, because despite being concluded, enrollment involves some costs, as well as others throughout the course which are not compulsory but do not stop recommend that you make.
Finally, the fact is that we're going to play wait and suffer. Last year the nursery had the same mess and we could not solve it until October, this year I feel like ... and if we are fortunate to be able to take place where we, at least I will stay calm knowing that the child will have no problem.
Changing Region Sony Dvp-sr200p
Mothers who give other mothers
puerperal In the midwife's visit to my home after the birth, told me of the existence of a breastfeeding group in my town. Unfortunately August and this month was not met, so if I remember correctly the first meeting I attended Ivan already had almost three months, my problems breastfeeding and doubts were resolved and fully enjoy it without problems.
So why attend meetings? it because I thought my experience could help other mothers whose rocky beginning, questions or tips unfortunate could derail their infancy, because I felt alone in those early times and would have appreciated a good way a helping hand to advise me and support me, because when you see that you are not alone, that you are not alone, there are more people like you, you relax and think everything has a solution.
Nearly 3 years later I continue to attend meetings, not everything I wanted because assiduously of my work schedule, but I've always liked to share my experience as a nursing mother and raising my son if I can help her mother to another, at least, not to feel a freak.

From the Birth of a mom blog this initiative appeared as a blog carnival, whose intention is to share all those experiences we have helped or been helped by other mothers disinterested manner. Know-
I had this initiative through Cartafol Blog, so I also tell me one and mine, it's no big thing but I personally do meet.
I had this initiative through Cartafol Blog, so I also tell me one and mine, it's no big thing but I personally do meet.
Ivan was born I knew that I wanted to breastfeed at all costs, and the beginnings were difficult because they are not hooked to my chest, and the hospital gave me no help. It was my determination, stubbornness and belief that I could be what pushed me to not stop trying until my child started to suck well, and despite a month of cracks and our breast pain was very satisfactory.
puerperal In the midwife's visit to my home after the birth, told me of the existence of a breastfeeding group in my town. Unfortunately August and this month was not met, so if I remember correctly the first meeting I attended Ivan already had almost three months, my problems breastfeeding and doubts were resolved and fully enjoy it without problems.
So why attend meetings? it because I thought my experience could help other mothers whose rocky beginning, questions or tips unfortunate could derail their infancy, because I felt alone in those early times and would have appreciated a good way a helping hand to advise me and support me, because when you see that you are not alone, that you are not alone, there are more people like you, you relax and think everything has a solution.
Nearly 3 years later I continue to attend meetings, not everything I wanted because assiduously of my work schedule, but I've always liked to share my experience as a nursing mother and raising my son if I can help her mother to another, at least, not to feel a freak.
This is my small contribution ...
Monday, May 9, 2011
Newborn Babies Wishes
29 weeks hello third trimester! Ivan
the third quarter, slightly more than 10 weeks before the due date, which is on 24 July, for we get to be 4 family members in human (because my two gatis are also part of this family).
Today I'm not quite there, so if I feel better tomorrow I will try to edit and decorate this post with a photo, it seems that two weeks here has decided to belly say "here I am" , and now I think I've eaten a whole watermelon ... soon arrive when "ball nivea" ... (edited!)

Today I feel very well, is one of those days that allergy comes to beat me up and I have no desire or eye opening.
The truth is that I have a weekend of noses ... Saturday I woke up with what was becoming a cold sore on her upper lip right after eating diarrhea that started with a pilgrimage took me to the bathroom until Sunday morning, the cold following his progress, and today in addition to burst allergy me hit me a good beating.
allergy to me is almost like a migraine, I have normal and usual symptoms throughout the year but when I suffer an attack is horrible congestion me as best I can sleep with me is all quiet and low light. I have not stopped sneezing all day, I find abir eyes, I can hardly breathe and I'm even more really tired, I took a paracetamol to relieve discomfort but I was tickled, and of course, I can not draw on my usual treatment, except terbasmin, that goes with me everywhere.
The truth is that I have a weekend of noses ... Saturday I woke up with what was becoming a cold sore on her upper lip right after eating diarrhea that started with a pilgrimage took me to the bathroom until Sunday morning, the cold following his progress, and today in addition to burst allergy me hit me a good beating.
allergy to me is almost like a migraine, I have normal and usual symptoms throughout the year but when I suffer an attack is horrible congestion me as best I can sleep with me is all quiet and low light. I have not stopped sneezing all day, I find abir eyes, I can hardly breathe and I'm even more really tired, I took a paracetamol to relieve discomfort but I was tickled, and of course, I can not draw on my usual treatment, except terbasmin, that goes with me everywhere.
As regards pregnancy I can not complain, if we ignore the back pain that has me quite annoyed. Sleep with an earthquake of almost 3 years is equal to zero ... Otherwise well, and I received the results of analysis of the 2 nd quarter and all right, anemia as usual (no way to fight with it ...), the O'Sullivan within normal limits, and urine culture I had to repeat because the sample was apparently contaminated them (ie ...). in the review of pregnancy with the doctor all too well, from 16 weeks last time I weighed only 1.5 kg I gained weight, my uterus is about 3 fingers above my navel and the heart of my child is beating it is a pleasure.
So nothing, expect everything to continue this good what little is left of my pregnancy, now I spend even more time with his belly in the air and my hands on it constantly, I do not want to miss one Antia movements because soon, but have it in your arms, stop feeling, and something that will be sorely missed.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Lotta Topp Free Image
is a love, friendly and loving he is, and that fills me with more pride if it still can know everything, because the letters and colors are learned, but the love from the heart.
It's silly, but I can not help feeling proud of my sins. And no desire to assume Huh? but I drool with my child, I can not help. If in the future turns to me and I get lazy I can always remember the good grades he drew when he was in the store ... ![]() | |
all green dots = it! | |
has not only fulfilled all its objectives but excels in other areas such as English or vocabulary, but in addition to ready a child is sociable, empathic, generous, playing with all children is shown affectionate with them, if you see someone mourn, kisses "to feel better" - and do not hesitate to share toys or snack.
daycare I think the latter has fulfilled my expectations, that is, not so much what I was interested to learn because that is time, but saw a need in Ivan to play with other children because up to 2 years was always mom and dad or grandma, and even went to the park and play with other children did not have a stable and regular small group.
now not only is delighted with his fellow store, but is very open and outgoing, then do with children anywhere you are and without knowing them, does not hesitate to hand and invite to play, or as I said before, give a kiss if you see someone crying.
I'm glad to be a sociable child, who immediately feel comfortable wherever you are and make friends easily. Above all, I love to see what kind it is, not just us who spent the day cuddly, but in general, how quickly empathize with the people and the solidarity that is spread when affection. The other day at the circus her friend Sonia was crying because she was afraid of trapeze artists, said they were going to fall, and Ivan to see mourn told me "Mom, Sonia is crying, you need a kiss to feel better without pensánserlo went to her friend, embraced her and gave her a kiss. Sonia's mother was shocked, and Ivan was glad to see that her friend left to mourn.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pokemon Deluge How To Get Jirachi
What are you afraid?
And this is not the only story that unfortunately is near, and these things serve to realize the things that are really important in life. I do not hurt me back, sleepless nights, I have to do a cesarean delivery or take the donkey and me splitting up where they should not, what I really fear is what might happen to my child, and that's what I lose any sleep for the rest of my days. Because it is a mother forever, and never leave one of concern for children.
So when I asked about this issue, although it seems topical, I always reply that important thing is that she is well because it is true, is what I feel, my only concern. Breathe quietly the day you come into the world and have it in my arms over my chest, skin to skin, but really my concerns begin there, because how easy is to have our baby in the belly ...
Yesterday we started the classes of maternal education, and that was one of the questions we did the midwife. As a presentation we put in pairs to we counted our little things we pregnancy and thereby submit to the other ... I think that unless another girl and me, the others are all first-time and one of the things that the midwife told us that we asked our partner is what we fear in pregnancy.
My partner, new mom expecting a child, he answered very fast delivery. My answer was almost automatic, I told him not to fear childbirth, which lasts the duration or hurt it hurts, the end is wonderful and makes you forget everything. So Dad and I will tell our experience to her and her husband to remove a little fear, and above all make them see how important dad at that time, the vital assistance they can provide. But this could be meat for another entry ...
When I asked what I had fears ... I was not clear to answer, because I have no fear of childbirth, the advantage of experience helps, which is the general tone of all first-time moms, but I have my fears, was not Ivan the pregnancy or at least then were unfounded because of my lack of experience.
If you ask me what I have fear I have it very clear that something is not going well and that hurt my child. And that is wide and the wide world ... pregnancy because of Ivan lived in the bubble the illusion of first pregnancy, inexperience, lack of contact with the maternal and many realities that are not as pretty. What makes me happiest is to see my son grow, and know that is a healthy, normal, so I feel lucky and I thank life for being so generous.
However, since being a mom, I entered another dimension , as has happened to many, or most, of what I read on many blogs and forums, where we share experiences and experiences with other mothers This helps us and guides our day to day. And not everything is rosy, that's when you realize that you are very lucky to have given birth without complications, your child is born healthy and without problems and you can lead a normal life.
few months ago I met a girl mother a girl of 4 years who was diagnosed with a rare disease. After a pregnancy to rest but with great enthusiasm, your child had trouble from the moment of birth, their first 7 months were in a hospital, and almost 2 years they could not diagnose his illness. After that the girl lives in a continuum medical tests most unpleasant, and parents in a constant ay the welfare of his daughter. His mother did not raise another child is not her daughter's illness itself, but because it is genetic and hereditary, and do not want another child to pass the same suffering that their child.
As I was telling her story I was realizing how blind I am sometimes, when I give more importance that required for a cough or a fever of Ivan, and how lucky I am that my son just suffer it, typical of any child.
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