Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Microwave Panasonic Schema

DELIVERY PLAN ... Yes or no? Bouncing

¿Será muy pronto para plantearse este tema? Aún me quedan 12 semanas para salir de cuentas, pero no puedo evitar pensar en el parto, lo veo cada vez más cerca, sobre todo con lo rápido que se me está pasando el embarazo.

En el embarazo de Iván supe de esto del plan de parto , y aunque me hubiera gustado presentarlo, no sabía cómo se aceptaría en el hospital donde iba a dar a luz, por lo que decicí confiar en que todo iría bien, y así fue. Tuve un parto fantástico, en gran medida gracias al equipo sanitario que me atendió, to which I am eternally grateful for help that my birth is a wonderful memory instead of a traumatic experience. I left the hospital with the feeling of having a perfect delivery, met expectations, with the satisfaction of having fulfilled my mental birth plan without asking.

So now I'm at that point not to do, if this time to present my birth plan, or return to get carried away and hope that everything goes well without asking. I mentioned this in his time with the midwife who attended my birth, and I remember I said it was a good idea for women to follow her initiative, and in the hospital were collected. The Andalusian has a formal model Birth Plan caba but not to convince, but it continues to be a model and it is clear that every woman is free to submit your own writing.

Perhaps I have very high expectations about my first birth, ie, it was so good that at least want the second is the same, as far as health intervention is concerned, since it is obvious that there aspects of childbirth that are uncontrollable. So I made a list of things I'd like to meet:
- that my husband is present from the outset.
- That not shave me or put me enema unless I specifically ask
- That not bring me any kind of soothing (at the birth of Ivan OB put it on me when I was admitted for pain, I took one iota the pain but left me KO drugged ...)
- Let me not put oxytocin or medication to speed up labor.
- Let me not put analgesia unless expressly requested.
- that let me choose stand, walk, get up, throw me to the ground or what my body needs.
- That touches make me just and necessary.
- What I without breaking the bag my consent.
- What do I episiotomy.
- That I put my daughter on my at birth, skin contact, so you can start the LM at the time of giving birth (it was the only thing that was not fulfilled in the birth of Ivan .)

Now I guess I have to give some shape to this list, make it a document and formally present conditions accordingly. And waiting ... but I trust that the experience is a degree and go with the lesson learned is that half of some help.

I leave a bullet that I found there and me Indeed very funny, reminds me of my birth, which fortunately I keep stunning images, which I hope to repeat in the birth of my child.

course, accept proposals, suggestions and all kinds of information, will be welcomed and appreciated!


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