Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Baking Cakes In Convection

if Ivan is highly gifted

is a subject that I'm a bit afraid to talk, but it is something that we face on the recommendations of various professional ...

Ivan has always been a very clever and resourceful children, but soon started talking - up to 18 months release is not over - the fact is that since then has not stopped. Until that time his skills were perceived above all as far as the musical aspect is concerned, since very little dancing to any music and it aroused his attention above all else.

Since starting to talk things beyond mom, dad and tit has been a non-stop. At age 2 already knew the numbers (in English and English) and letters, and when I say I mean the alphabet letters full, messy letters one by one, recognizing and being able to spell words written. When he entered the store already know the primary colors and basic shapes, but the store also learned something new, bilingualism, and they have one teacher that since they enter until they leave all the children speak English.

we demand much, much, I question everything, even what we think is impossible for such a small child understands, and best home theater is all that has to do with numbers, letters, books, puzzles, memory games and association, colors, shapes ... and despite having a lot of cars, race tracks, dolls and toys miscellaneous these may take a little while but did not attract attention.

now wants to learn to play chess, and not on the board, but in the PC. Unlike well known and all the parts and know the movements of most of them, and not only that, but he just turns the computer, once loaded windows goes to start menu and there find the icon to run the game of chess, usually small Fritz where you can spend hours, if you left it, of course, because so small that I refuse to hook the computer-whether you want to close the program itself and the computer shuts down . Chess you love, do not know why he called so much attention but the fact is that it's the things that most calls.
The computer also loves his father installed him long games Learn with Pipo of various levels, and usually plays to the level of less than 4 years because you are bored. For my part, the computer will have absolutely forbidden because it hypnotizes you could spend hours inserting forms, painting pictures, making pairs of syllables, seeking the same ... and do not want to limit how small the field at the computer, so I can not open the laptop if he is ahead, and the desktop pc I have to stop unplugged worthless because we are close, he just turns it on when he wants.

With the whole issue of school the day her father went to school to see lists of baremaciĆ³n Ivan took with him because he was unwell, and talking with the director it was surprised to see so Ivan was put completely natural to spell everything that was written and seeing a number of other little things that, as she and her professional experience, not peculiar to their age, so his father advised him to report to the Ministry of Education assessing the possibility of the possession of high intellectual capacities because first place is good knowledge to know to guide the child in this aspect, and because it would be a requirement of choice when opting to school.

So, abusing my medical insurance that I pay for that, we visited a child psychologist to do an assessment prior. The good thing is that I have taken quite the scare, and the first thing we said is that this is not a bad thing, and psychological counseling in such cases is facing the child's socialization, ie Intellectual ability has no effect on its behavior and interact with its environment by being "smarter than the account", and teach mainly used intelligence.

We had 2 visits with the psychologist and both have been about half an hour alone with Ivan, after which we have been reporting ... and in principle it does have an intellectual development than that for a child his age. But ... intellectual assessment tests that exist are from 4 years, making it difficult a priori to assess the level which could be located, but will apply these tests to see how far that is, failing to test age appropriate, if achieved some type of target in the test included 4 years, and is a parameter to evaluate. So we asked what between all things known to permit an evaluation.

When we asked what they know ... ufff so complex, because they are things that appear every day and draw our attention but I will not remember signing up for, but that a priori as I said the numbers, counts to 30 perfectly mom are you sleeping?; Mom , you woke up, Mom are you parking the car?, Mom, you've parked the car , and endless mom are cooking-cleaning-ordered-saving-putting, removing, and etc ... Dad the computer is broken ... Dad, you've fixed the computer! ) English applied to several expressions and requests, not only greetings and farewells, but things like see you tomorrow or see you later, Mom water please, thank you give and you're welcome responds , that is, those little things they teach in the store and usually the children forget, he holds them and applied as naturally as if speaking in English, but knows that it is English, because at the same says "Mommy I want water, mom says in English, water please" , and things that clash as you see a trail and say "this is a comet" (that he released yesterday watching beginning of Toy Story 2 "Buzz Light year that comes flying through space like a trail of fire), which say" this is a planet "and you answer" no, is Saturn "or take the hair brush say you "look, has legs" and we answer "are not legs, are suckers" voice of Dad, you look silly (with every reason in the world because the legs are really low suction cups) you ask if this thing is big or small, you answer is medium, "and so could give many examples.
If I speak of the song would have to open a new post talking about musical notes, instruments, composers and musical pieces he recognizes. In fact, the psychologist asked if he had any special skills such as drawing, and we have said that everything that has to do with music is passionate, in fact does nothing but ask me to teach you how to play the piano, not Imaginarium his little piano, but my Yamaha keyboard.

So good, although I hope we finally say it is a bit more streetwise of the account but nothing else, I have to admit that it is good to know how to find out wearing it. Because right now wants to learn at a pace that I do not know if it's good or bad, if we teach you everything you asked, because in fact we have never tried to teach or to know more about the bill, but we do not know where to come, do not really know how to channel it. We know that compared with children of their store is at a different pace, picks up things faster and easier and knows more, although to date this has not resulted in costing you more or less socialized, and fortunately he loves playing with other children but do not know, and say that you try to catch up.

In order to summarize, it is ready, want to learn, and we know how to meet their needs, we are totally lost. So whether you have high intellectual abilities, all this will serve as guidance to help when to learn that it is worth.

Although I'll be more relaxed when we say it is a boy hustler, but normal, which is what I really believe ...


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