thought that the following entry would talk about my pregnancy, but again Ivan is superseded by its own merits, and the poor has given us a good scare. This entry will also serve to kick me a little in the difficult task of reconciling work and family life, especially when our children are sick.
Ivan is generally quite sanote a child has not had a single diarrhea, vomiting has never (well, a couple of times this past summer, blamed swallowing pool water and beach sand), and complaints have not gone beyond the typical winter conditions of sin. Last week I told you we had a box with fever faingoamigdalitos high ... is the keynote of this child is so strong that he does not complain, and when something gives face and is about to explode and does so with fevers astronomical.
On Sunday we planned to go though the day was cloudy, but Ivan was something tontorroncillo. I took her temperature and had a few tenths of a fever, so preferimso portend case. And the day I threw well, to tenths and somewhat rarete until night, despite the dalsy, turned up the fiebrón. He took off his pajamas and he only left the body to sleep, I put on my bed to watch, and what a sleepless night, because the poor had difficulty breathing, it was agitated, unable to sleep, and cry about how bad he was. The poor to answer me when I asked why it hurt, mother hurts me and mouth cabesa , I guess referring to
throat ... I was about to take and leave at dawn to the hospital, but I gave vnetolín and hope to see this in the morning.
I got up a little later because I needed to sleep even a couple of hours, then had an appointment with the midwife, but as soon as I Ivan went to the emergency. The doctor did not like it as it was on sight, gave him ibuprofen because it was again triggered by fever, recognized and least liked the sound of the chest and ribs is sinking in breathing, so we sent rays to make a chest plate.
rays I realized that ... I could not go with him! I had forgotten for a moment the small fact that I'm pregnant, so my boy was very brave and champion and did not protest when a nurse took him to take a picture. It had to be repeated because they moved, worse left happy, with a drawing in hand, shoulder and nurses, as matadors. The child puts the whole world in your pocket.
Back to the consultation confirms that there are a lot of mucus in the lungs but no symptoms of pneumonia, however should be watching because I could be starting the process ... and tell us to spray. There already decided to call Dad, who came at the time (the advantage of living next to the clinic), and less bad qu elo did, because I alone could not. The first session was almost useless because there were more times that the mask was loose around well-placed, is that Ivan retocrcía a thousand ways to avoid it, it started with the hands, crying loudly ... the second wave took it a little better, at the end until he fell asleep, if not sleep or fatigue accumulated after the fight. But we managed to improve her breathing rate, and send us home as we never discharge, ie, monitor and back to the emergency minimum.
gave us 4 in the afternoon without eating ... and I walked into work at 5. Yes, the famous reconciliation of work and family life, that only exists on paper. I went to work, calling every hour to see how it was Ivan. At 6 apiretal dose. At 7 more than 38 degrees of fever. At 8 o'clock the thermometer was at 39.6 º and rising, the stop calling me daddy told me to be ez to other emergencies, and I work. I called to tell me that you are going to take a bath there and see if they can lower the temperature. And I come all the evils in the body because I want to be with my son and I can not. Shortly after 9 pm get you down a little more and send him home, I go at 10, I have little to see my child, cuddling and personal control, knowing that his father is still perfectly and need to be me who is there.
When I get home, opening the door comes to kiss me and I laugh when I see it, in pijama's hospital, was even funny ...

I'm home, I'm with him, I'm quiet. It seems that the antibiotic starts to work, a dalsy before bed and a restful night. Coughing up, yes, but it has breathed, has had no fever, and has stayed close to me as a alapana. This morning he took drugs as a champion, resigned because he would not take them, but he knows that his mom was going to be very happy if you took everything. And still no fever, coughing subsides, and her husky voice is reminiscent unwell. But it is a very good patient, is left to care for and take the medicines to be good. The scare happened ...
However I feel bad about not being able to be with him all the time because of the reconciliation that is spoken there, or at least not as it should be. At the moment I regret that we have to work both economically because we have no choice, and enough that I can adapt my work schedule to the daddy to both of us take care of Ivan when one is working, but not enough. Yesterday I had a really bad situation was not serious enough, yes it was in my eyes, of course, to leave work, but neither was silly what was happening, as very nearly to stay logged in, and I felt powerless, at least, not to get out of there.
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