I have to confess that my pregnancy is going flying, I'm 24 weeks and in less than a month begin maternal education classes. In a few days I'll do the Test O'Sullivan and 4D ultrasound, although we are not in the final I have the feeling of being already in a countdown to see that the days and weeks pass almost without realizing it.
This pregnancy I plan to do things in the Ivan I missed, to take care a little more and become more fit, so today I started going to swimming Gordis. It's quite a step for me considering I do not like swimming pools and the Justito to stay afloat and survive, but since Ivan in pregnancy at the end I held a lot of fluids and made my legs of an elephant, do not know if so I can avoid it, but at least I try. I just need to take some time to walk, but I admit that while I continue to work hard, for the time and fatigue, since my house is still waiting and we must keep the environment in terms as yet not arrived.
I have also authorized by the orthopedic few sessions of physiotherapy for back pain, lumbago I'm starting to play and even try to do just and necessary efforts at the end of the day I I can not, so I hope that some masajito help me take better.
My tummy is great, very plump and growing by the day, although I know this is nothing compared to what awaits me here a few weeks. I notice a lot of my girl also noticed postural changes, as I put more on one side than another, the pressure under the ribs or bladder ... come on, that is not quiet, but I feel love, I still find a magical feeling.
Overall I feel great, although now starting to walk like a duck, sometimes I notice pain in the pubic area of \u200b\u200bthe pressure that I have around and between that and my bladder works a mile a minute way like mother duck, Pachino, hahaha. After lunch I have heartburn though fortunately not very strong, but they are uncomfortable, I will not deny, soon began well, for now tolerate all foods, and we'll see. And a few days ago I went to the doctor because I went out a red pintitas the thighs and arms, like when you make a hickey (is the most graphic to describe lol) and actually was quiet, but he would not stop for not trusting him more than necessary. I did a blood analysis, blood count and clotting, to ensure that everything goes well, and the diagnosis was dilated capillaries possibly caused by stress that the pregnancy itself produces in the body. No longer do I have so marked but remains as a small shadow, but I'm reassured to know that is not important.
And a little more, the truth is that I'm so happy, this time of pregnancy is great because barrigua already has an apparent size but still not annoying, it's time to shine and show, and for that I am very own, well, I love to wear belly. Also a while ago fantastic, we had to save turtlenecks and short sleeves out overnight, so this temperature belly looks more joy.
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